Hey I'm Victor

Some people call me Cyborg

My mission with Cyborg4Life is to spread awareness about Limb Lengthening surgery.

I hope C4L educates people considering the procedure and serves as a positive community where prospective and current patients can easily connect and access helpful information including physical & mental rehab & rebuilding resources to live a better life.

A few things about me...


I was hit by a car at age 9

This accident resulted in me breaking my right femur, had a mono-lateral external fixator to hold bone in place.


I broke my left tibia at age 11

This roller blading accident led to poor setting of the bone & fractured growth plates caused 2" height imbalance


I had Leg Lengthening at age 23

Using an internal lengthening nail, I did LL to fix my height imbalance and resolve my painful joints and scoliosis.


I am now an advocate for LL

I wish to share experiences with prospective patients who are considering having it done and current patients who are recovering.


I want to create a helpful LL resource

The goal of C4L is to create the resource I wish I had years ago when I underwent LL Surgery as it's a very involved process.


I speak from ACTUAL Experience

Having had 3 broken legs - external fixator, an internal lengthening nail, rehabbing from both and having spoken to thousands of LL patients to date, I have a unique perspective - being a patient and a consultant for patients.


Started out as a track & field wannabe to undergoing a scary and life altering surgery to competing in the world championships as a pro drug-free bodybuilder. Life is a roller coaster, and I believe part of our responsibility is to be self-aware to discover our talents and recognize how we can help others around us on a grand scale. I've realized my goal is to help those who've had a limb lengthening surgery, making them physically and mentally better than before...make them machine-like...make them Cyborgs!

This site was created as a way to spread my message and reach out to those of you, who are considering, currently undergoing or had a leg lengthening surgery and are ready to get it back together.

There are two reasons why a person gets the leg lengthening surgery done. One is to correct a painful height imbalance between the limbs (such as in my case) - known as limb length discrepancy (LLD). This can cause painful back, hip, knee and ankle pain and very easily lead to arthritis of the joints and muscular imbalances among other things. The other is due to wanting to resolve some of the psychological pain of height dysphoria that equates to a body image condition where a person views themselves as having a relatively short stature - known as cosmetic limb lengthening (CLL) aka stature lengthening. This can affect one's confidence and assertiveness thus indirectly impacting their ability to attract a mate, achieve higher career success, and just feel better about themselves.

If allowed to linger, both of these issues can compound with other setbacks in life (injury, death in the family, personal or professional adversity etc.) thus causing low self-esteem or a poor outlook on life and cause some people to be put out of commission, mentally and or physically, for some time to the point of nearly losing all hope and motivation.

However, you must dig deep, find the mental and physical strength to obliterate the self-destructive thoughts, obstacles, and doubters to ultimately surpass where you were, to become stronger and better than before, this time with new body armor. And the best part...you're not alone. Me and the rest of the CYBORG NATION has got your back!

In summary, as a CYBORG, you are striving to transform your mind and body via the road to resurgence in order to become the ultimate version of yourself.

My Story

Part 1 - Becoming a Cyborg

My CYBORG story started when I was 9 years old. I was heading to the library with some friends (not to read books but to use the computers to look up rare Pokémon
cards as that was the thing back then) and we were about to cross the street. I looked both ways, the street was clear. But before I knew it, I was in the middle of the road with a cockeyed view of my contorted right thigh. Bystanders, as well as the driver of the 1981 Cadillac Fleetwood, that ran the red light and broke my right femur, insisted I lay still until the paramedics arrived. In shock and dazed, I surprisingly had enough cognition to utter my phone number to call my parents who would meet me at hospital prior to surgery. The doctor decided to use a mono-lateral external fixator to correct my leg for healing (I felt like a machine with the device holding me together).

The rehab and comeback from that was so grueling I can almost remember the pain to this day. The problems I faced were pain, lack of flexibility, a weak mind and ultimately a broken spirit. I then realized I was lucky to be alive and decided to fight back. After a few months I was able to resume my old activities again and eventually become stronger than before, thus I started to become a CYBORG.


Part 2 - Embracing Cyborg Mentality

A more recent incident was when I had a limb lengthening procedure done with the original PRECICE nail to correct a near 2" leg length discrepancy due to a fractured left tibia at the growth plates (from a roller blading trick: I tried grinding on the curb and my front wheel got caught and I fell on my twisted lower leg...hence why I don't do crazy shit anymore!) Years of managing the issue with shoe lifts in my left shoe led me to say screw it and get the darn procedure done. And so I had the titanium rod inserted into my leg. The rehab for this was mentally harder than the first story with my femur, as I had already begun competitive, drug-free-natural bodybuilding at the time, and so, voluntarily agreeing to break my leg to fix it was the hardest decision of my life up to that point.

Alongside the months of prescribed therapy, I began doing my own extra therapy at home. This meant researching and experimenting to find the best ways to rehab from such a surgery. I focused on reducing the pain and swelling, increasing range of motion, strengthening the surrounding muscles and finally increasing the blood flow to carry vital restorative nutrients to the injury site via more cardio on stationary bike. Within 5 months I was able to get back into the gym and begin the rebuilding process.

When I would visit my doctor for check-ups, I would socialize with other patients with similar injuries and stir up positive motivation among us. And that made me feel good to talk to and even help motivate another person who went through a similar tribulation as me and help them realize there is hope to rise up and surpass where they were before via resurgence

. Internally that was the start of CYBORG 4 LIFE (C4L)

Why Cyborg 4 Life

Reason it was started

The build-up to the official start of C4L started in 2017 after prospective patients considering the LL surgery would ask me about my experience so they could get a feel of what to expect. And so after 3 years of back and forth of direct messaging, I decided to start a blog platform of sort, where I would cover the topics of the frequently asked questions as well as try to get leading experts in the LL industry to give their perspective. And so in February 2020 I started my first video and that made it official.

How did I come up with the name - Cyborg 4 Life?

Leg Lengthening made me mentally stronger and especially when I really owned the name of 'Cyborg'. After my LL surgery, a gym buddy of mine said "You're no longer human with all that metal in you. You're a Cyborg!"

I came up with the '4-life' portion, relating to the 4 most important aspects of life, aka the '4 organs of perception' that I needed to get through hard times: mind, body, heart and spirit (4 things necessary to life) hence the name Cyborg4Life.

I just want everyone to have a resource that I wish I had when considering my LL surgery so that they can make safe and informed decisions.

I believe goal setting is the hardest part of achieving what you really want. You must first be clear on what it is you want to do, then relentlessly focus your mind on it, and it will come to be.

This is what I call the “V.I.C” principle, “VISUALIZE” what you want to achieve, take “INTENSE” action and finally “CONQUER” it!

A few more things about me

Some other hobbies I enjoy on my leisure...

when I'm not talking about Limb Lengthening


Becoming a World Champion

Training in the gym to be the best drug-free-professional natural bodybuilder and one day win the world championships - so that I can retire and eat donuts the rest of my life.


Spending Time with Family & Friends

As much as I enjoy staying busy and helping others, I find time to spend with my girlfriend, family and friends.


Reading Books on Self-Improvement

The most successful people in the world read. I enjoy books on mindset mastery, business etc.. My favorite books are GRIT by Angela Duckworth, Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson, One More by Ed Mylett and $100M Offers & Leads by Alex Hormozi.


Taking Walks with my Labradoodle

Casey is an 9.5 yr old (as of 2024) Labradoodle and is a furry rascal who keeps me on my toes. If he catches me sleeping in he'll beg to go for walks, and loves his Smart Bones.


Being the best Medical Consultant

I work as medical consultant for healthcare facilities - outpatient and even rehab facilities like physical therapy.


Part time Fitness Coach for Professionals

Started as a personal trainer during college and kind of kept it going on the side as I enjoy helping people see massive physique transformations.


Traveling the World for Vacation

I've been to Italy (Rome, Venice), Austria, France (Paris), Switzerland, Spain (Sevilla, Barcelona, Madrid) and about 10 states in US. My goal is to eventually travel to Japan, Ireland, and London.


I'm half Italian. Half Nigerian

My other nickname besides Cyborg is the Italian-Nigerian-Stallion!

Satisfied Patient Testimonials

If you scrolled this far...

and haven't gotten into Limb Lengthening Secrets yet...like, what are you doing?!

This is a Do-It-Yourself, at your own pace, FREE Course loaded with top notch quality and credible content for any prospective patient looking to learn more about limb lengthening surgery.

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*This site was created by Client Inpour Solutions