This comprehensive, FREE video course is jam-packed with over 8hrs of content and 200+ videos where you'll learn...
About Distraction Osteogenesis
Different LL Procedures
The 8 Phases of the LL Process
How much length is safe
Complications, proportions...
Pain, walking, recovery after LL
Muscle contractures from LL
Neuropathies due to damage
Symptoms and how to adjust
Knock knees
Congenital hemimelias
Why experience matters
How to pick good surgeon
Past interviews of surgeons
Pain, irritation, sleep, etc.
What to tell people who ask
Complications and worries
Flexibility and Strength Demos
Nutrition & Supplement advice
Cardio & Rehab Tools for LL
Conservative vs. Extreme
Importance of Rehab
Is LL even worth it for athletes
Video, Audio or Text Content
Spread the word to LL Patients
Contact me to contribute
If you haven't decided to join Limb Lengthening Secrets yet, just think, every minute you wait is another minute you'll spend trying to bootstrap information about limb lengthening and hopefully come up with a strategic and comprehensive rehab program.
But if you act now, you can ensure you are equipped with the a map & compass to navigate your limb lengthening journey safely and in a time efficient manner.
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